Play Report

Victory’s Planet Play report

Warning: spoilers for Victory’s Planet

Player Characters: Ghost, Outdoor Boy, Bellepeen, Doe, and Gary.

A skull-masked vigilante, a camping themed superhero, a revolutionary thinking machine, an amnesiac regenerative superhero, and second story man idled in a crowded sitting room. Eventually, a tall, thin man in loose fitting linen pants and an oversized smoking awkwardly rolled in a huge monitor. Dripping with sweat, he introduced himself as Baron Errosso Aecrixonette, after which began the most bumbling slideshow presentation of all time. Sweat smeared his notes, which were already out of order. Errosso couldn’t stop anxiously repeating words or completely freezing in anxiety for minutes.

The gist of the presentation: A few months ago, a bitter ex-lover kidnapped Errosso’s new wife, victory. Victory managed to reach out to Errosso a few weeks back. He’s narrowed down her location (at great expense) to a ~4km radius on an uninhabited planet. One of the ancient missile siloes in the area served as her prison; he didn’t know which. Also, the atmosphere and terrain were dangerous, but he provided exoplanetary protective suits (exosuits). He’s also offered an absurd amount of money. He just wants help to get her back.

He was sympathetic but obviously inept and jumpy. When the presentation was done, only the PCs remained. They proceeded to then spend the rest of old boy’s liquid assets on flying cargo drones, dirt bikes, and such.

Using Errosso’s brand-new Spacetime Projection Sphere, the PCs and Errosso arrive on an alien planet, beautifully named Zee-Zed-V-2-A‡|*. Immediately the vigilante tried to do a cool trick on the dirtbike and wrecked into a shiny pyrite encrusted boulder.

They had much better luck after that. After briefly investigating a crater-lake full of red-brown sludge-water and witnessing a 4 legged, crab-like alien with tentacle arms run away from them, the players elected to move on. Shortly after, a geyser of superheated steam explodes a good ways off from the PCs. They then spotted a large community of those same aliens in another crater-lake. Those aliens seem mostly engaged in farming a species of blood-clot looking giant amoeboids and the lowlying yellow ground-cover on which the creatures fed.

After yet another geyser, this time much closer, the group decided to move along, cautiously skirting both the zone of geothermal activity and the alien’s apparent territory.

Outdoor Boy’s wilderness skills made navigating the extremely uneven terrain a snap. They kept zipping along at about 2km/hr. As they attempted to traverse a mountainous area to get to the silo on the other side, an enormous thunderstorm struck. They clung to the narrow path, inside temporary shelters, as the storm raged. With a little luck, they made it through ok.

Not long afterwards, Outdoor Boy found a hatch in the ground, presumably leading to a missile silo. They found series of concrete tunnels, shafts, ladders and stairs leading into the earth. Everything was clean and in working order, despite being ancient. There the PCs suffered from and circumvented a series of traps: false ladder rungs, security drones, slippery fire traps, and more.

Along the way, Bellepeen liberated to consciousness a Janitorial bot, J4N. Gary pointed out the obvious. Ghost circumvented an infrared sensor with emergency flares. Doe paid close attention to details and often went first. Outdoor Boy used his super-senses.

Finally, when faced to face with a surprisingly smart and mean laser turret in a room with mirrored walls, Gary and Doe done diddle did die. RIP (riddled in punctures).

Eventually, they did indeed find Victory but I’m tired of typing so… You’ll just have to check out Victory’s Planet yerself.

Though I would like to add, when Ghost fell to his death, his replacement character, a jacked Danzig-esque cyborg named Glenn, crawled out of the same hole. Fucking hilarious and it fit within the setting/events.

It was a lot of fun and took about 5 hours of play to complete the adventure and make it back. I think that’s about as short as is possible; the players were lucky and smart (and still 3 dead). It could’ve easily taken 2-3x that long with different decisions and dice results.

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